Scottish Country Dance Database
An excellent reference resource! This is a database of Scottish country dances with dance details, cribs, diagrams, video links and more. It is constantly evolving and developing and is quickly becoming an outstanding resource for dancers and teachers alike.
If you wish to see the dances we've taught this year in our class, search the "Dance Lists" for "BSCD" and a number of lists will will display - Find the one listing dances for this year to see dances taught to date!
Strathspey Server
An excellent repository of information about Scottish Country Dancing. Associated with the Scottish Country Dance Database.
TAC Sound
TAC Sound, associated with the Teachers' Association Canada, sells recordings and videos of music and dances for Scottish Country Dancing.
TAC Books
TAC Books, associated with the Teachers' Association (Canada), sells books of music and dances for Scottish Country Dancing.
TAC - Teacher's Association Canada
Not just for Teachers, the Teachers' Association (Canada) provides publications and hosts workshops to promote Scottish Country Dancing.
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society is the primary association dedicated to the preservation and teaching of Scottish Country Dancing. The Blair Scottish COuntry Dancers are a group affilitaed with the RSCDS. All teachers of the Blair Scottish Country Dancers have undergone teacher certification programs with the RSCDS.
The Inter-city Scot
An information source about Scottish Country Dancing activities in Canada and the United States of America. This site is primarily a list of events, classes, and groups associated with Scottish Country Dancing.